Join us, and our mission to Feed & Father.


Chase Robinson and Mason Smith are childhood best friends from East Texas. The two grew up as hardworking boys who dedicated much of their time to Centrifuge in high school. Centrifuge is a Christian camp in New Mexico that focused on getting to know God, games, small groups, and building Christ centered friendships.

Chase and Mason went on to become United States Marines where they learned the value of discipline, leadership, financial freedom, and team building skills that would prepare them for their future endeavors. These life skills changed their life and they knew one day they would use that obtained knowledge to change the lives of others.

Feed & Father is a mentoring program that strives to teach core skills to our youth in low-income areas, and be that “father” figure while teaching them that the only sustainer, is our one true Father in heaven. Our non-profit involves a weekly dinner provided by Feed & Father with our volunteers, a speaker, games, activities, and more. Community is so important for the growth of our younger generation. Our aim is to instill discipline and leadership skills in all of Bryan- College Station.