Make a donation.

Our mission is to change future generations into biblical men. Through the mentorship of Feed & Father, we believe we can make a difference in our local community. But true change starts with YOU! No matter the amount, any generosity is a blessing, and will go directly towards providing meals, transportation, and resources towards the young men in our mentorship. This donation ensures our non-profit continues to do as the Lord has called us to.

In our Guatemala missions, we're dedicated to uplifting communities in numerous ways. With heartfelt efforts, our team has built three homes and provided sustenance to entire villages during our completed trips. Beyond bricks and mortar, we engage with families through house visits, delivering essential food bags, sharing the gospel, and offering heartfelt prayers.

Your donations are truly vital. They directly support the construction of homes, ensure families have enough to eat during challenging times, especially those led by single mothers, and enable us to provide lasting spiritual guidance. By joining us in this mission, you're not just giving; you're actively participating in transforming lives. Together, we can make a genuine and heartfelt difference in the lives of these deserving communities.