
Through the gym and fitness activities, we teach kids to be hardworking and create team bonding. We are all capable of hard things, and moving our bodies is one of the leading ways to show discipline.

Godly Leadership

Nothing can fulfill us the way that Jesus can. We want to show that in order to be a great leader, you must understand who you are representing. Jesus came to serve, and that is our mission.


God-fearing men Mentoring young men through biblical masculinity is a powerful way to guide the next generation toward a deeper relationship with God and a stronger sense of purpose and identity. By modeling the values of faith, integrity, and servant leadership, these mentors can help young men navigate life's challenges with wisdom, grace, and courage while equipping them with the skills and character traits needed to become confident and responsible adults.


Feed and Father is all about community. From fruitful conversations with our peers and team, we are creating an environment that builds relationships and families. Feed and Father wants to not only educate the youth, but to have fun, team bond, and make life long connections.